If there is one thing I have learned from being a travel writer, its NEVER CHECK YOUR LUGGAGE (except for extreme circumstances where lots of luggage is a must). Why?
1st of all, many airlines now charge you to check.
2nd, I dont like to have to stand with the masses waiting for my luggage to finally come slowly creeping around the luggage carousel
3rd, if it ever does come. Yeah, lost luggage isnt just a thing you hear about. It has happened to me and its not fun.
4th,... it's greener! If you don't check, that means you are being careful with the amount of luggage that you are bringing, which means less weight, which means less fuel.
5th, because its quick! Not checking means that you dont have to wait in line to check your baggage. Just check-in online, print your boarding pass, get your fab behind to the airport and deliver yourself directly to the security check-in line. Ok, yes, now you have to unload insane amounts of contents onto the belt- your computer in its own bin, your liquids in another, and of course heave ho that huge roller bag up so it can be thoroughly scanned. But really, all of that doesnt take much time if youre prepared for it (which is why having a designated place for each item in your bag is ideal). Then on the plane, just place your roller in the overhead compartment and your shoulder bag w/purse under your seat and youre golden! Another Quickie Tip: get a seat as close to the front as possible so you can be one of the first off the plane and on with your life!
What does "never-checking" translate to?
1 carry-on bag
1 personal bag
Heres the QuickieChick way:
-1 carry-on (this is a rolling carry-on)
-1 shoulder bag
-1 purse (I make sure to leave room in my shoulder bag to stuff my purse in it when going through security and getting on the plane. They are sticklers about this)
Rolling Carry-On
-Sneakers plus enough exercise socks for every day
-Havaianas flip-flops (to walk around in- obviously, but also in case the hotel room floor is nasty)
-Exercise shorts or pants (enough for half the trip- you can always double wear them)
-Panties (enough for everyday, plus 2 for exercise and 1 sexy panty
you never know)
-Bras (both exercise and daily wear, plus 1 sexy
you never know)
-James Perse cozy t-shirt and boxer shorts to sleep in (plus for a Quickie Workout in Bed)
-Go-with-anything chunky necklace
-Lavender and flax-filled eye pillow
-Bathroom bag filled with non-liquid essentials, as well as a solid deodorant (doesnt count as a liquid). This bag also includes a mini stain-remover, an array of just-in-case medications, pain reliever, Benadryl, tampons, band-aids, tweezers, razor, and urinary tract infection pills (just in case).
and wear your wedges on the plane. They arent the most ever comfortable, but they are bulky and take up unnecessary space in your bag, plus you can take them off on the plane anyway.
Those are my musts. Beyond the basics are up to you based on where you are traveling to. Be strategic with you packing. Plan your outfits, then have 1 alternative in case you feel puffy or have a change of plan. DO NOT over pack- you dont have the space.
*Tip- Roll your clothes (even your underwear). Somehow this folding alternatives saves a ton of space. Then stuff your socks into your shoes.
Shoulder Bag
-I always pack my computer because I have the inability to travel and not work. Up to you.
-Baggie of in-flight and arrival essentials including: Green Tea bags, EmergenC, Airborne, lavender antibacterial hand wipes, protein bars (enough for every day away).
-Kindle (or another ebook reader)
-Whatever actual book I am currently reading
-At least 2 magazines- generally a fitness magazine, plus a trashy magazine- cant help but love the gossip.
-Baggie of carry-on liquids (for easy access to pull out during security). I love Naturopathica and Burts Bees travel packs (I also have the full size versions)
-Chargers and electronics cords
-Business cards (you never know when you will meet someone)
-Flip cam (in case I need to shoot a Quickie Workout like this one that I shot on a trip to Maui)
Keep in mind that you want the purse you bring to match most of the outfits you have planned. Bring whatever you would normally bring in a purse, but slimmed down a bit. Just make sure to include:
-Makeup (for touch-ups in case you need to look decent upon arrival)
-Antibacterial Handwipes (Herban Essentials, for Urban Disorders)
-Gum (I always carry at least 2 flavors)
-Ginger chews
. I love the sweet, savory, spiciness
-ipod and headset (to shut everyone else out)
-Wallet- obviously
-$60- at least! You never know
-Business cards (you can never have enough. I keep them in every purse)
-A pen
What's in your bag?