We can observealmost in real timethe impact that smart or selfish choices, by governments and individuals, have on rainforests and reefs, cultures and communities. Travel is one of the biggest industries on Earth, and our economic power as travelers is enormous. --Ethical Traveler
Planning or dreaming up a vacation this year? Aim ethically. Combine your consideration of cute, eco-friendly accommodations, local eats and low-impact transportation with big picture attention to a destination's political stability, social standards and environmental ratings.
Ethical Traveler has done the research for you, collecting data from a pool of highly reputed sources like the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), a joint initiative between Yale and Columbia University, the UN Development Program (UNDP), and Amnesty International, to rank high-minded countries making strides in environmental protection, social welfare, and human rights. I excitedly present the 2011 winners (in alphabetical order -- not in order of merit), along with commentary straight from the list itself.
The World's Best Ethical Destinations -- 2011
1. Argentina

Argentina continues to impress with its environmental initiatives, particularly an innovative new law designed to protect its glaciers.
2. Barbados

We also applaud Barbados for organizing the Caribbean Green Economic Conference for 2011, to discuss opportunities and challenges to developing a green economy in the region.
3. Chile

Chile also scored high, particularly in sustainable fishery and forestry
4. Costa Rica

Costa Rica returned to the list, after falling off last year, due to increased efforts by recently elected president Laura Chinchilla to address human trafficking problems. While there remains a great deal of work to be doneparticularly to stem the countrys sex tourism industrywe applaud the progress.
5. Dominica

Dominica was the recipient of a Green Globe for sustainable ecotourism.
6. Latvia

UNICEF scores on child mortality rates are one indicator of social welfare. In this category, Lithuania and Latvia scored particularly high.
7. Lithuania

Lithuania is the only country on the Ethical Destinations list to reach Tier 1 of the 2010 State Departments Trafficking in Persons report.
8. Palau

Another notable environmental success is Palau, which declared its waters a dolphin, shark and whale sanctuary; rescinded support for Japanese scientific whaling, and called for an international moratorium on shark finning.
9. Poland

Barbados was the highest ranked Ethical Destination country on the index this year, followed by Poland.
10. Uruguay

Uruguay has been absent for a few years from the Top 10, but deserves its spot this year again because of its outstanding human rights and human development record. It has the highest level of human development in Latin America and it was the first country to allow gay marriage. In addition, the first human rights violators of the dictatorship period were convicted to prison sentences in 2010 after decades of impunity. After settling the pulp mill conflict with Argentina, Uruguay put more stringent monitoring mechanisms for pollution by the pulp mills into place.
As Ethical Traveler reminds us, ecotourism isn't very different from conscious consumerism. Every adventure is an opportunity to vote with your dollars to support the places and people that are doing admirable things for mankind and our home, earth. And inspiring their neighboring nations to do the same.
Click over to the detailed 2011 Ethical Destinations report to read and learn more about the selection process and research findings. It's fascinating!
More on Ethical Travel:
Meet Andrew Harding of Nature & Kind and Conscious Ventures
How Green is the Airline Industry, Really?
Meet Natasha Carvell of Travelocity's Travel for Good Program